What a Song!!!
These are really true feelings in this song.
I have found it in Qwaider's blog, but I had to post it here in order to share it with my friends abroad.
It doesn't mean that you are not enjoying or even having a very good time (outside Amman), it is just....
O.K I can't describe it.
Gabcast! The Story #1 - The Story
I have found it in Qwaider's blog, but I had to post it here in order to share it with my friends abroad.
It doesn't mean that you are not enjoying or even having a very good time (outside Amman), it is just....
O.K I can't describe it.
Gabcast! The Story #1 - The Story
Yeah man .... it stikes a chord with all people living away and missing Amman. So touching
You just sympathize with him...
By the way man, I have been trying to post a comment on your blog since........
But everytime I get this thing about "spam detection"?!!!!
Email me man, I was wondering if my system is getting too strict and making false positives.
Just let me know whwn you're around
The problem is that I don't have your mail, and I couldn't find it on your blog.
Sorry man.
3njad it killed me.......
ya3ni ana bas hada el kan na2esni
استمعت للأغنيّة و كيف أنّه يقول : عقبااااااوييي فتذكرت أنّني أنا عقباااوي
ثم نظرت الى شمالي من الشباك فرأيت ضاحية الرشيد و الجامعة الأردنيّة فتذكّرت أنّني في عمّان
أطرقت بخيالي لأتذكّر أصدقائي العاملين و الدارسين خارج عمّان عبد الله و أمجد و ماهر و هشام و منيب و عبد الرحمن ثم سكتّ لبرهة و بدأت بالدعاء لهم
اللهم أدم راحة بالنا و ارزقنا و أهلنا و أدخلنا فردوسك الأعلى و ارزقنا جوار سيدنا محمّد عليه الصلاة و السلام
mujjaid: told you man, it's a killer.
natasha: sorry nattoush, bas you have to listen to it.
sary: :) thanks a lot ya man, jad thanks a lot.
3aboud arjook lissa shi3rak ar7am min hay il ashya2.
sary shokran 3ala al do3a2.
i couldn't listen to it!!:(
i couldn't listen to it:(
Just try to listen to it from the link then, and if it didn't work click on "couldn't play" or "couldn't hear audio" and it'll work.
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